
Système pour l’évaluation précise du champ visuel basé sur l’intelligence artificielle et la réalité virtuelle.


Date de publication
Problème à résoudre

We are a highly visual species and rely on our vision to make sense of the world around us. Yet, unfortunately, 2.2 billion people suffer from vision impairments. Out of these, 50% could be prevented or cured according to the WHO. And these numbers will increase due to our ageing populations and modern lifestyles. At the same time, healthcare systems have limited resources. The number of eye doctors has been stagnant for decades and many healthcare workers have quit their jobs due to the pandemic and exhausting work environments. These trends are compounded by the fact that our current tools for functional eye tests are not fit for purpose in the 21st century. They run on mostly analogue and bulky devices, require stationary and resource-intense workflows and provide limited insight.

Soution envisagée

At PeriVision, we combine artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and the cloud to build the next generation systems to understand visual function. We build a virtual suite of functional eye tests which patients can perform on portable and ergonomic VR headsets. Their doctors can configure the tests on a cloud platform and view the measurements and analyses after testing. Across the entire workflow, we deploy our AI algorithms to make the tests faster and more reliable, virtually assist patients, assess the measurement quality and provide doctors with deeper insight into the patient's condition. This in turn increases clinic productivity and expands access to eye testing.

Demande au H4

We must build a highly intuitive user interface for commercial and regulatory purposes. We would like to interact with test users in the private practice and hospital segments (e.g. SwissVisio, Jules Gonin). A project via the H4 / Vanguard program (CHF 10K study voucher) would be ideal to investigate the following key questions: - What are other concerns with the current eye care set-up? - What can we optimize to make our user interface as easy and intuitive as possible? - Which system integrations (e.g. EMR, other modalities) do we have to build? - How does our system impact a clinic (# patients, costs, etc.)? - What test outcome/patient-related data is useful to increase workflow efficiency & treatment efficacy? - What budget would the segments allocate to our system?